Tour approval form

  • Current Tour Approval Form
  • Complete

Update: Private tours with minors (age 17 and under) are limited to certain locations; see the Minors Visiting SLAC policy for details. Exceptions to this are the public and educational tours that fulfill the waiver form requirement. 

Private tours at SLAC must be pre-approved by the relevant area managers for access and by security for entry. Requests must be made at least 72 hours in advance and must be approved before the tour can start. 

The information you submit below will be emailed to the area manager of each location you plan to tour for their approval, with a copy sent to Simon Ovrahim, SLAC Security manager. It is your responsibility to make sure all relevant area managers have responded and approved the tour before the tour date.

*Area managers: If you are submitting this form for an area in which you are listed as an area manager, please use a non-SLAC email address when asked for your email. Otherwise, the webform will generate an error message and your form will not be submitted.

*A badged escort is required for all private tours. We strongly suggest that a badged escort is present for every 10 visitors. 
* Please work with your supervisor for approval to bring minors on site.
Are there any foreign or domestic government officials or representatives in your group? *
Areas to be visited
Check all that apply; approval requests will be automatically sent to the relevant area managers and to Security Manager Simon Ovrahim when the form is submitted. It is your responsibility to find your own tour guides.* 
(Area Manager: Ted Martinez)
(Area Manager: Jeff Aldrich)
(Area Manager: Jeff Aldrich)
(Area Manager: Adam White)
(Area Manager: Kayla Ninh)
(Area Manager: Cynthia Melendrez)
(Area Manager: Matt Hayes)
(Area Manager: Matt Hayes)
(Area Manager: Ariel Arnott)
(Area Manager: Brian Smith)
(Area Manager: Daniel Peterswright)
(Area Manager: Stephen Weathersby)
(Area Manager: Kathleen Burrows)
(Area Manager: Brad Catania)
(Area Manager: Jeff Tice)
(Area Manager: Peter Schuh)
(Area Manager: Michelle Steger)
(Area Manager: Dirk Pflueckhahn)
(Area Manager: Kingston Chan)
(Area Manager: Ralf Kaehler)
(Area Manager: Matt Padilla)
(Area Manager: Carsten Hast)
(Area Manager: Juan Cruz)
(Area Manager: Emma Snively)
(Area Manager: Alden Owens)
(Area Manager: Gabriel Diaz)
(Area Manager: Mark Dibernardo)
(Outreach Program Officer)

* Tours entering controlled areas (e.g. LCLS and SSRL experimental floors) must have a tour badge and be escorted by a GERT-trained SLAC employee. Tours entering Radiologically Controlled Areas (RCAs) will also be issued a tour dosimeter. Link to controlled area/RCA map:

Next Steps​​​​​​

  • Area manager approval: If you do not hear back from the area managers within 72 hours, please email them directly.
  • Tour badge: After your tour request has been approved, contact the badging office (Building 53, Room 1030, x5345) to get a tour badge. A tour dosimeter will be issued for groups visiting RCAs.
  • Site entry: At least 24 hours before your tour date, fill out a Site Entry Form for your visitors to allow them to enter the main gate.
  • Safety regulations: On the day of the tour, meet your visitors in a previously designated location outside the secured gates. Remain with your visitors at all times until their departure. You are responsible for the welfare of your visitors to SLAC. Observe all safety protocols and obey all signage. Be sure to provide a radiological safety briefing if your group will be entering any controlled areas (e.g., LCLS or SSRL). 
  • Please inform your visitors that closed-toed shoes are required.